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Commercial Food and Beverage Photography | RGG Photo 

2013 is already turning out to be the year of beverage photography for us, which is perfect considering that is one of our favorite things to shoot. We have been shooting some awesome new bottles that we can't talk about or show, new designs for existing beer bottles and cans from brands you know, and are gearing up our prop room with more glassware for awesome new drinks like the one shown above for our new personal work. We may have to build a second story for our prop room alone.

We would like to thank Yeyo Tequila for sending us some cool bottles that we shot a few weeks back and will be publishing in the near future. Keep an eye out for this new brand around the US. Tequila is becoming such a big presence and is one of our studio's favorite drinks to shoot. The above shot is a margarita we did awhile back with Chambord. We are looking forward to shooting more Tequila in the future, no pun intended.

RGG Photo & Motion

St. Louis and Chicago Studios

Twitter: @RGGPhoto


Commercial Food and Beverage Photography | RGG Photo


This has been a great week thus far here in our St. Louis studio. We have been shooting some of the most challenging bottles we've ever seen and today was kicked off by some Whole Foods breakfast pizzas. The above image was from a Mardi Gras campaign we did for Southern Comfort. We've often heard St. Louis has the second biggest Mardi Gras party in the USA. 

RGG Photo

Midwest Commercial Photography

Twitter: @RGGPhoto



Chicago Whiskey Photography | RGG Photo


Here's a shot we did awhile back with the agency Boxing Clever. We have been doing a lot of liquor bottles as of late and this one is one of our favorites.

We've had a busy few weeks and it's getting even busier here. This week we are welcoming a local ad agency, Moosylvania, to the studio and shooting some awesome new images for both Bacardi and Grey Goose this week. We've built custom sets of wood and glass, created new lighting layouts, and printed 2 very large duratrans for our backgrounds. The studio is full of props, the Broncolor is in full effect, and our Hasselblad is fired up and ready to roll. 

RGG Photo

Full Service St. Louis & Chicago Photography Studios

Twitter: @RGGPhoto


Chicago Commercial Liquor Photography | RGG Photo


Who's ready for one of these?

RGG Photo

Twitter @RGGPhoto


Commercial Drink Photography | Chicago & St. Louis Commercial Photography


This is going to be a busy week here at RGG St. Louis. We've got a big job with a new agency, Translation out of New York. Newsweek referred to Translation as “The McKinsey of Pop Culture,” so we recommend you check out their work. We are shooting some images for Bud Light over the next few days, a client we've done quite a bit of work for in the past. It's always great to work with big clients from your home town located just a stones throw away from our studio. We can practically smell the hops creating bottles of goodness on a daily basis.

Rob Grimm Photography

Twitter: RGGPhoto
