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Bacardi Tear Sheet | RGG PHOTO

It's been a busy week here in our St. Louis studio and we are in the middle of a few personal shoots focused on bottles, glass, ice, and the process of how we did it. Stay tuned in the coming weeks for more info and behind the scenes video of the entire process. We are hosting the Phlearn crew to document the entire process and chat with Rob Grimm and his expereince as a photographer in the food, beverage, and product industry.


RGG Photo & Motion
Chicago Studio - 312-380-9339
St. Louis Studio - 314-652-9797



Behind the Scenes Bud Light | RGG PHOTO

In today's behind the scenes post, we take you into the lighting diagram to illustrate the complexities of shooting beer bottles and the importance of documenting EVERYTHING we did, how we did it, measurements, and power settings. In our workflow, it's critical that we make detailed notes during a shoot so that we can quickly reference a shoot a few months or years from now. Because no two shoots are ever the same, it's imperative that we illustrate all the materials used to make the shot so we don't waste time trying to re-invent the shot in a similar shoot or even the exact same shoot for repeating clients.

In the above shoot we did with Translation for Bud Light, we had a long list of shots from the birds eye view, straight on, and worms eye view with 3 different bottles, in 3 different positions, both dry and wet, with the cap on and cap off. The permutations of the variations were challenging but a great way to spend a few days exploring what light does to a bottle and label. Plus we got to hand paint ice and talk with German accents, which is a great combination if you haven't tried it.

We have a big project coming up that will delve into the behind the scenes of our shoots, explain lighting, talk about gear, and show in depth post production. Stay tuned for more info.


RGG Photo & Motion
Chicago Studio - 312-380-9339
St. Louis Studio - 314-652-9797





St. Louis Commercial Photography | Tequila 



Chicago Studio - 312-380-9339
St. Louis Studio - 314-652-9797
Mobile- 314-910-3760




Commercial Liquor Photography | RGG Photo


The worst part about Monday is remembering the not so distant taste of Sunday's rasperry mimosa at brunch. That, and the realization that it's most likely going to be 6 more days before another mimosa touches your lips. We are big fans of the morning bruncherias that serve a long list of mimosas and fruitful variations on the best part of waking up. Yes, we said bruncherias. It's a word we just made up that means a top notch place that serves brunch with a list of mimosa variations.  If you are wondering, the noun for a group of bruncherias is a blowout. Yes, a blowout of bruncherias, which is an ideal place to find yourself on a weekend morning in June. That is when you pull a double brunch and have a bunch of brunch back to back. 

RGG Photo


Chicago Studio - 312-380-9339
St. Louis Studio - 314-652-9797





Yeyo Tequila | RGG Photo | Chicago Food and Beverage Photography

Here is a shot we did recently for Yeyo Tequila, available in New Mexico, Oregon, and Texas. The bottle itself is pretty unique, especially for a tequila. The distinct frosted square bottle would stand alone in a group of the traditional bottle designs for a tequila and we really liked the results from total water submersion. We really had a blast playing with light and water through the bottle and seeing what results came about. It's funny thinking of how you would shoot a bottle after a few seconds of seeing it considering the label, design, and what light does to it when you hold it up to the light. Every bottle inspires a different approach and shape to how the light travels through it.

RGG Photo St. Louis & Chicago

Twitter: @RGGPhoto