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Phlearn Interviews Rob Grimm | RGG Photo


This is part one of a two part interview with Rob from Aaron over at Phlearn.  Since meeting the guys from Phlearn we have been onboard with their creative vision and have since formed a great working realtionship for both learning and teaching. The Phlearners traveled to our St. Louis studio for a few days, where we covered the ins and outs of the cmmercial photography industry, client relationships, and finding your own niche in the photography world. Check out the interview above.

Also, if you missed it, take an exclusive look behind the scenes of Amazing Beer Photography with Rob Grimm

Stay tuned next week for part two of our interview with Rob, where we’ll cover specific images in his book an ask him questions from the Phamily!

Today we have officially released the first of many pro tutorials that we will be doing in partnership with Phlearn. For access to download the entire behind the scnenes video, check out this Pro Tutorial here. We cover the preperation and vision behind making an image of a San Pellegrino bottle.

rgg photo

Chicago & St. Louis Commercial Food, Beverage, and Product Photography. 

Chicago Studio - 312-380-9339
St. Louis Studio - 314-652-9797



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